Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Yesterday while I was playing a game of Battlefield 3, I received a phone call informing me that, much to my surprise, that my PC was ready for early collection. I was over to the store in a heartbeat to collect my PC and for hours after getting it home I have been trying to install all my old software back, such as Sony Vegas. Instead of installing Sony Vegas 8.0, which I've been using for years, I went ahead and took the opportunity to upgrade to Sony Vegas 10! After a bit of hassle trying to get all my footage to work and my old Sony Vegas files to load up correctly, I was able to load one of my military videos up (one which I completed weeks ago, but was unable to render to HD due to my old PC being shit) and render it to HD! You can now view it here:

There will be more to come over the next few weeks!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The AW159 Lynx Wildcat, the next generation helicopter destined to replace the revered Lynx helicopter in British service by 2015, was observed by a delegation of South Korean aviators during a second trial landing on a Royal Navy frigate, HMS Lancaster. The South Korean Navy is looking for a new helicopter to equip their new Incheon class frigates and replace their 25 ageing Super Lynx Mk.99/A's currently in service. Late last month, British industry was also selected to supply South Korea with propulsion for their new class of frigates.


The Dual Mode variant of the venerable Brimestone missile has recently successfully demonstrated its ability to strike moving and manoeuvring Fast In-Shore Attack Craft (FI-SAC). At the QinetiQ range in Aberporth, Wales, a Tornado GR4 equipped with the missiles was able to successfully target, engage and sink a Fast In-Shore Attack Craft.

Paul Stanley, MBDA's International Market Development Director, said "This latest firing was a great success for the team. This additional Capability builds upon the data gathered in March and demonstrates Brimstone’s low collateral yet lethal effects against moving and manoeuvring FIACs. It also significantly advances and confirms MBDA’s ability to offer customers as of now an extremely effective, anti swarming FIAC capability using our world leading, combat proven Brimstone missile in its mmW version."

This additional capability will no doubt increase the exportability of Brimstone.


As you may, or may not, know, I've been having some serious PC issues which I reported on in early April. These issues are preventing me from rendering my videos in Sony Vegas.

With the recent sad passing of my grandad, I was left a sum of money, which I plan to use to purchase a new PC within the £500-£600 price range. I will probably buy this new PC either this week or next, and when I do, expect an influx of new videos on my channel in HD, as I have been working on quite a few new videos, but I haven't been able to release them because of my PC troubles.


The Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer, HMS Diamond, met with her French Horizon class counterpart, Forbin, off the coast of Spain in the Mediterranean. Together the two ships commenced in joint operational maneuvers.

The two ships firstly began by simulating anti-surfance warfare, aided by two Lynx helicopters from both nations, embarked by the two ships. Afterwards, the ships were joined by Rafale and Super Etendard fighters from the French carrier battlegroup. Together the two ships repelled their simulated air attacks in a joint exercise.


N.B.- Apologies for the lack of posts these past few days. There hasn't been much news to report (well, not much "good" news, anyway.) Hopefully my posting frequency will increase over the next few days!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Apologies for using US Navy jargon in the title!

Contracts worth £350m have been awarded to British defence firms, BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and Babcock, for the design and development of the Royal Navy's next generation ballistic missile submarines, which will replace the current four Vanguard class ballistic missile submarines by 2030.

The first of the successor submarines is expected to be delivered into service in 2028, around the time when the last of the current Vanguard-class submarines will be ending its service life. BAE has been awarded £328m for the design work, Rolls-Royce has been awarded £4m for the initial intergration of the PWR3 nuclear reactor which is to be used on the submarines and £15m has been awarded to Babcock for work on the in-service support.

It will not be until 2016 that a final design will be decided for the submarines, but work is to begin early to ensure that the submarines are designed to be the most-technologically advanced around.

This news reaffirms the government's commitment to retaining the UK's nuclear deterrent right into the future.

ABOVE: The submarines which are to be replaced.

Further reading: