Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Early today I managed to complete my latest British military power demonstration video in Sony Vegas, but much to my frustration, my PC terminated its power when the video render was 40% complete. I've had this problem before, I believe it is caused by my PSU overheating (I don't think my fan works, though I'm not sure -- I'm quite hopeless with the technical side of computers). The last time I had this problem was when I tried to render my first British military power demonstration video, and the only way I overcame the issue was by rendering the project in separate chunks that my PSU could handle and then I imported them into Windows Movie Maker separately where I rendered them as a single video clip. As a result, the original quality of the video was nerfed significantly (WMM doesn't support HD I don't think). To prevent the issue from happening again, I procured a new PSU with a working fan and it worked wonders; I was able to render videos without losing power.

Last week, however, I noticed that the problem had returned; my PC terminated its power while I rendered a large video in Sony Vegas. As a temporary solution, I placed a household table fan behind my PC and removed the side panels to help cool it down, and it actually worked, the video was able to render to a 100%. Today, however, it doesn't seem to be doing the trick and I keep losing power.

So just to let everybody know, it may be a while until I manage to upload my next video.

Just to clarify - no, that is not my PC!

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